Amon Amarth With Oden On Our Side 2006 album review by Lordslady

Valhall Awaits Me
Runes To My Memory
Hermod's Ride To Hel (lokes Treachery Part 1)
Gods Of War Arise
With Oden On Our Side
Cry Of The Black Birds
Under The Northern Star
Prediction Of Warfare
It was a time when a culture of noble warriors ruled the earth. When honoring the Gods made surviving and concoring new lands was something that these warrior would accomplish. For me, with Oden On Our Side, gives me another way of looking at that way of life. These great tales of bravery and honor are put to music with every track on this album. If you have not heard this album, I highly recomend that you purchase With Oden On Our Side.
Valhalla Awaits Me, the first track. This song offers a look on one on one hand to hand combat. This warrior is fighting with dignity trying to take anothers life. He know soWith Oden On Our Side....Another great effort from Amon Amarth. This album takes me into another time, but certainly not forgotten. on he will meet his fate also. He knows that his with loyalty to the Gods, he will live forever in the great Halls of Valhalla.
Runes To My Memory, the second track. This track takes me with them on a voyage of concoring new land and the loss of life. They come to the shore of a new land and right away our under attack. This great warrior knows his life is slipping a way, but contiues to fight on anyway. With his thought of his people back home and the belief in the Runes, he knows he will go on a great journey to the great Hall.
Asator, the third track. Thor, Son of Oden. When I listen to this track, I can almost see Thor riding his chariot. The God of thunder, wind, and rain. With these warriors belief in the thunder God, it made these warriors hearts braver than any. One of the best tracks on this album.
Hermod's Ride To Hel (lokes Treachery Part 1) , the fourth track. This is a tale of Hermod's journey to the underworld. When he reaches Hel's Hall, he see his brother Balder tortured and bound. With all the fear Hermod has inside of him, he pleeds for his brothers life. In the end his brother life is given back. This track offers a true tale of bravery.
Gods Of War Arise, the fifth track. For the enemy, there is no escaping these warriors. In life or death. Some where brave enough to face these mighty warrior. For their bravery, they died with dignity. For those those who did not parish, there was no escape. They went on to a life of slavery. For these warriors sacrifice to the Gods of War, they returned to their ships victorious. Another great track.
With Oden On Our Side, the sixth track. The title track . The day has come for battle. Out number four to one, these warriors know the battle is already one. Under the watch of the one-eyed God, they are victorious once agian. They know Oden is on their side.
Cry Of The Black Birds, the seventh track. Once again, these warriors are ready fo battle. They show no fear. If the battle brings death to any of them, they know in their heart, that Oden will return them home. The Cry Of The Black Birds is enough to forget any fear and the sound of crys of death. Another fine track.
Under The Northern Star. the eighth track. These warriors are longing to return home as the icy winter approches. As darkness fills the sky, the think of lives lost. In their minds, they would gladly take the place of the fallen brothers, in the great Hall, by Oden side. As the lakes and oceans freeze, they know soon when they feel the summer breeze, it will be time to return home.
Prediction Of Warfare, the ninth track. The final track. This is the story of one warrior of two thousand men. They left Norway, with wind in their sail, they headed for the emerald land. This warrior was haunted by dreams as dark clouds filled the sky. As his dreams began to fade, he awoke to the waiting horde. The battle was short, the Irish fell to the wrath. Their king escaped.
This is my review of a fantastic album and my brief review of each track. It is my to pick for the best album of 2006. In my opinion, by far the best. Hope my review make you want to purchace this album and enjoy it as I do. Hail Amon Amath. True Sons Of Oden.
On a scale 1 to 10, 10 being the best
I give this album a 10
Written by Lordslady 2007
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