Arson Anthem - Arson Anthem (2008) By Keg

Track list: 1. Year Of The Fork 2. Doomed Morale 3. Bunker Life 4. Hammer Them Out 5. Wreaked Like Clockwork 6. Cops Shoot Coke 7. The Avoider 8. Sri Lankan Medication Philip H. Anselmo - Guitar Mike D. Williams - Vocals Hank Williams III - Drums Collin Yeo - Bass First off, let me just say that I am not a Phil Anselmo fan boy. Very honestly, I have no opinion of him good or bad. I was a big Pantera fan back in the day, but the last album left me bored and uninterested. Add that to the fact that I never got into Superjoint Ritual, and the result is me not giving a damn what Phil Anselmo is up to. So when someone handed me this, I honestly had no idea what the fuck it was. When I was told that it had Phil on it my first thought was "Great. Another ex-Pantera mediocre endeavor that will do nothing but leave me missing what was." Then I found out that Phil was playing guitar on this and homeboy from EyeHateGod was on vox. This peaked my interest. So here goes my first review. This will be track by track as I listen to it. Track 1: Year Of The Fork Ahh, EyeHateGod. Where have you been? Song starts off with a cheesy vocal count off and instantly blasts into an old school punk FUCK YOU with nicely pissed off vocals attached. About the middle of the song comes a fantastic and twisted break down that put a smile on my face immediately. Go directly back into the old school punk and end in just over 90 seconds. Today is looking up. Track 2: Doomed Morale I don't know what to say. Let's just keep going. Track 3: Bunker Life More heavily distorted punk with a nicely cheesy high tone riff over it. Keep this riff going and add in some random and brutally heavy but not overdone breakdowns and you have the recipe for shit that makes me tell my wife to shut the fuck up. Track 4: Hammer Them Out Another cheesy vocal count off. Chaos. Scream and yell. More Chaos. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Would you like some cheese on that thrash?? Pissed off eat shit die done. Track 5: Wreaked Like Clockwork Oh christ, I can't stand it. Slow punk riff with terrible solo. Bust in with vox. Brilliant breakdown. ANOTHER SHIT FUCK SOLO!!! I'm in paradise. Breakdown again. Add some vox please. Thank you very much. End abruptly. Very good. Track 6: Cops Shoot Coke How can I review 30 seconds? That was fun! Track 7: The Avoider I'm done. I can't describe this. OOOOOO Hello punk doom! Pleased to make your aquantence! Track 8: Sri Lankan Medication I'm out. This comes out on Feb 19th. One week from tomorrow. Go to a store and buy this. It is not often that I get the pleasure of hearing something that I instantly love. This is a rare gem and should be treated as such. You will love this. If you don't then you might as well borrow your older sister's Depeche Mode cds and take Estrogen for the purpose of growing tits. I give this 5 Perfectly Erect Penises Jabbing Old Ladies In The Eye out of 5. Pure mayhem. Pure perfection.
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